Our Tools
At AISB, we have chosen to use Apple technologies to support our mission of Creativity, Courage, and Compassion. Here are some specific examples of how Apple technologies help us achieve this:
Creativity: Apple technologies provide a range of tools and apps that enable our students to unleash their creativity. Our students use iMovie, GarageBand, and Keynote to create multimedia projects, podcasts, and presentations. The iPad Pro and Apple Pencil allow our students to sketch, draw, and create digital art, while apps like Procreate and Adobe Photoshop for iPad provide them with professional-level tools for graphic design and digital art creation.
Courage: Apple technologies support our students' courage by providing them with the tools they need to explore and take risks. With the 1:1 device program, each student in grades 1 to 12 has access to an Apple device, and starting with fifth grade, they bring their own devices with them. This means that they can work on projects and assignments wherever they are, and collaborate with their peers regardless of location. This freedom and flexibility helps our students take ownership of their learning and explore new ideas with confidence.
Compassion: At AISB, we are committed to using technology to promote empathy, understanding, and compassion. Apple technologies support this goal through a range of features and apps that provide advanced accessibility features that promote inclusivity and help ensure that all of our students can access the learning resources they need. For example, the VoiceOver screen reader feature enables students with visual impairments to use their devices with ease, while the AssistiveTouch feature provides alternative input methods for students with mobility challenges.
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